

Drinking plenty of coffee. I decided to pick up a few options at the store the other day and have to say nothing beats Starbucks.

Planning Lucas’ baptism this weekend. I’m excited to throw a party and hope it turns out like I’ve planned. If nothing else I hope we get a good family picture. B is making Lucas’ baptism gown from my wedding dress material and I bought a new dress for the occasion. It is currently unavailable but this is similar.

Reading when I find time and enough energy to concentrate. I recently finished The Paris Wife and The Black CalhounsI’m currently reading a new FDR biography Rightful HeritageIt’s been too long since I’ve read something Roosevelt so I’m excited to read the latest perspective on my favorite president.

Watching Law & Order! I can’t even believe it but it’s currently my thing and conveniently airing on four different networks. I love the Ed & Lenny pairing and any time I get seasons 9 through 14 are awesome.

Eating well, the meal planning is actually working and I have found some delicious and easy recipes that will be put in a back to work rotation.This Moo-Shu Pork Taco recipe is delicious.

Excited about working out again! I’ve been out of commission for so long I have never looked forward to going to the gym more. Now that the weather is finally turning the corner, I’m taking Lucas on walks twice a day. I plan to hit up the gym three times a week for upper body strength training and mile runs on the treadmill. I really look forward to running outside but with 20 extra pounds, I need a little conditioning. Off days I’ll do yoga.

Loving every minute at home with my man. Having 12 weeks is so important to me and I am grateful to have a job that let me take that time even though I wasn’t eligible for FMLA. I can’t imagine having to go back this week and I know so many women get only 6 weeks (or worse less). This bonding time is critical and we need to value it in America. This article is eye-opening and heartbreaking.

Currently my favorite picture – my guy and my girl. Gwen loves Lucas and already looks out for him, wrapping him in her beloved Frozen blanket and sharing her favorite monkey.

One thought on “Currently

  1. Law & Order (original series) has been our favorite for years! We have our DVR set to record on several channels…..and if we run out, we have all the original episodes on DVD! Love it!


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