7/52 + 8/52

When writing is your day job and side gig it can be a challenge keeping up. – especially while watching WW3 play out in real time.

A lot has happened the last couple weeks. The big one being I joined an MLM – NEVER saw that coming but the Sseko brand sparked something in me that I feel compelled to share. After two years living mostly at home in a pandemic, the world has contracted and my baseline notched pretty low. Daily Pelaton workouts have helped my serotonin and when I watched this virtual party on Facebook live about a brand that’s sustainably produced (my new wardrobe staples are made from recycled plastic bottles), support women in Uganda, Ethopia and other countries in the world AND can elevate my frumpy yoga pants and tank top to feeling presentable I couldn’t say no.

And I did try. I Googled for bad news – couldn’t find any, read the founder’s, Liz Bohannon, book Beginner’s Pluck to see if I liked her – I do, and took the plunge. I have NO idea what I’m doing but it also feels like a chance to step out of my comfort zone and try something new. After years of being in the same spot I’m glad I’m taking on a new challenge.

If you buy clothes or coffee and want high quality goods that support a good cause check out Sseko. It’s changed my mindset, elevated my wardrobe and really helped me out of a funk.

I’ve also been keeping up on my reading. I finished Malcolm X’s autobiography and wow. The truth in that book is fierce and his legacy is hard to comprehend. He thought he’d be forgotten or demonized but instead I feel like his message/mission have been watered down and I’m not sure which he would think is worse. I’m also fascinated by the fact that his connection to Michigan is so overlooked here. His brother’s house in Inkster may become a museum but that’s the first memorial item I’m aware of which given his strong ties here really blows my mind.

I also read about another ‘native son’ for President’s Day, Ulysses ‘Sam’ Grant and Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain – I have a thing for Sams. It was a great book about Grant’s final months and writing his autobiography. If you don’t know about Grant read Ron Chernow’s book. History has forgotten/demonized a great human being/leader/president.

Not only am I committed to reading more books myself but I’m reading more with the boys. We did a screentime detox and will be doing more of those. They really didn’t mind it which says a lot.

Overall it’s a lot of stepping back into life over here and out of the quarantine hole. I don’t think COVID has gone away, although I’m heartened that numbers are significantly down. I’ll remain naively hopeful that it will be like the 1918 Flu and after a couple bad years run its course. Even as an introvert I want to experience life and see my friends without guilt or worry. We’ve been doing more of that lately and its good for the soul.

Day 43: Lazy day at home

Day 44: Early morning Superbowl segment on Fox 2 (thanks for the screenshot Brian!), date with Danny, Super Bowl/Halftime Show and heart pizza for the boys.

Day 45: Finished my BHM selection, The Autobiography of Malcolm X. A must read. It’s thought provoking and leaves you reflective. Sammy Sam helped me make Danny’s heart cake. I carried on this tradition from Mrs. B and it was hard to make my 10th cake without Mr. B – lots of tears 💔 But a heartwarming moment was Lucas giving Sam a gift – his first unprompted gesture a regifted Encanto Valentine they taped to the wall 💕

Day 46: Wonderful dinner with Adam. I love my cousins 💓 Also read another great book – Beginners Pluck by Luz Bohannan (more on that later).

Day 47: Lucas is back at soccer and Sam was his self appointed cheerleader.

Day 48: I held on to the Disney dream ALL DAY! Even paid for advance parking but the icy roads scared me so the kiddos hung out at home.

Day 49: Snow Day ❄️

Day 50: Long overdue hangout with Gina. It was so good to see birthday bros Lucas and Cirdan play together 🥰

Day 51: Another much needed visit (I’m really glad we can feel better about seeing people again) with Melissa and Cora. Sam and Cora aren’t buds yet but they did pretty well.

Day 52: President’s Day 🎩 and the final day of our long no-screen time weekend that was a huge success.

Day 53: Full day with girls, including early morning bus drop-off and the joy of making dinner for kids who eat 🙌

Day 54: Lucas soccer ⚽ he did SO good! I wish I had video of his awesome moves. I have no athletic expectations for the boys so to see his hustle and competitive edge is so cool. He’s the G.O.A.T. to me (and was for school – also had me text his teacher immediately when the radio announced TB12 was doing a movie – she was pleased)

Day 55: Took the bigs to the Rec for pool and tree house time. I also started the Gilded Age on HBO after realizing I missed Law & Order and it’s not bad.

Day 56: We missed the bus 🤦 but dropped the girls off on time and managed 25 days straight of pelaton workouts.

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