And One More Thing…

I decided I wasn’t busy enough applying for jobs, finishing the International Literary Project, plugging into my Roosevelt research again, starting a new workout program and practicing Spanish, SO I decided to learn to play the piano.
Since my last attempt to learn a skill most children know failed I decided to keep this under wraps.  I was inspired to start this new hobby by B.  She took actual piano lessons in the fall and really liked them.  When she was at home she showed me her skills on the keyboard and I was enamored.  So while they were in NYC for the New Year I decided to give it a try.  I’ve been quite dedicated in my practice but not surprisingly I have a lot of work ahead of me.  
Melissa was a patient friend Friday and gave me some pointers.  She’s amazing at the piano and I’m anxious to have her over again to play the Disney book I’m currently studying.  I’m actually working in a couple books. One is a basic piano learning and one is the song book.  Playing the music I love is much more fun but I know I need to learn some basics.  
I’m not musically inclined in the least so that makes things extra challenging.  My goal is to become good enough so Danny and I can duet Who You Love with the guitar and piano.  We’re a long way from there but, in the meantime, I’m really enjoying the keyboard.  
I wanted to learn Pocohantas’ If I Never Knew You but I’m a ways off from that.  Instead I’m starting simpler with The Little Mermaid’s Part of Your World AND practicing reading music at more than a snail’s pace.

2 thoughts on “And One More Thing…

  1. Melissa is a really great piano player! I think it's awesome that she's helping you out 🙂 Also, “Part of Your World” is one of the only songs I can actually play with both hands 🙂


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