Travel Lessons In Naples, FL


We had a glorious four days away from home and a long weekend in Naples. It was Lucas’ first plane ride and our first plane ride in a decade. We flew Spirit and I have no complaints. I have no complaints period it was relaxing and I learned some important lessons.

We need to travel. Really travel with just our little family. Everyday life is very busy, so getting away and just being together was amazing. It was also fun to experience a new ecosystem – lizards instead of squirrels, palm trees instead of Maples, I can’t imagine what it was like for people to travel 100 years ago.

Relaxing vacations are actually more fun. Typically Danny’s the lazy beach proponent and I’m pushing for doing as much as we can in our time away. This time we picked one activity a day (the beach usually but we also went to the botanical gardens), ate one nice meal (Deep Lagoon Seafood and Grain Du Cafe were our favorites) and otherwise watched movies and football at the house and it was perfect. No one was crabby, frustrated or overwhelmed. It was enough activity to be satisfying but not too much. It’s definitely the travel itinerary model I will use from now on.

Downloading movies are the phone is important for peaceful airtime. Lucas was perfect on the plane, only because he could watch his movie (and inevitably fall asleep). Yay for tv addict babies!


Lucas’ favorite activity is sitting outside with Dada and a popsicle.


This face perfectly embodies Lucas.

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