
What a week!

The G.O.A.T. retired and I’ll never care about football again.

Saturday night Danny and I had a much overdue date night at Parc downtown. I had THE BEST Lobster pasta ever and would eat it daily if that was a reasonable option. My mom kept the boys and we stayed up watching The Gilded Age on HBO – wasn’t good to be honest but nice cuddle time.

Sunday we got the boys and gave Sam the farm animals Uncle Cory got him, he was thrilled although he wants to know where his pig is. Later Sammy helped me make muffins that he refused to try.

Monday Sammy saw a box from Amazon and KNEW barn animals were in it. He wasn’t wrong so I gave him his Tuesday night surprise early.

My 2022 resolve to live in the moment and enjoy life includes celebrating the little things – like Valentine’s Day more with the boys. Farmer Sam was begging for Little Blue Truck so I decided to start February off with some gifts – mainly from the dollar store. My funny little guys woke up early and I told them to go find their surprise and even with a cleaned living room and fully decorated mantle – they told me they couldn’t find it lol – this is why I have low motivation to go crazy on these things. Once they found it they enjoyed it.

Unaware we’d have a Snow Week, I took Sam to the Rec Center Tuesday morning for quality time. We checked out the toddler area but he really wanted me in the tree house. Since there were no other people did I joined him for 30 minutes scooting up and climbing down. Then I dropped him off to grandma to get my bi-annual keritan.

Grandma and Lucas had a great date to The Lion King and ran into Gwen, Maddy and Lindsey at the show. Since Granny wants to see it too, I bought her tickets and Anthony is going to take her next week.

Wednesday was a week snow day but we had fun at home. Thursday was another and I joined in more on the playtime.

Friday was my chance to catch up, work out and hopefully read more of Malcom X’s autobiography.

I made two meals this week. Joanna Gaines’ King Ranch Chicken and it was a disaster dinner that made me miss Mr. B especially because it was totally something I would have made for him. Apparently I’m not the only person who has had a bad experience though. Lasagna was Danny’s request and a great success. It takes HOURS to cook so if you make it plan accordingly.


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