Why I’ve been too busy to blog…

As my 25 things to do this year I want to blog more but I feel like in my defense I should point out I haven’t been a bum.  I’ve actually been really busy.

Last Week

Monday: Gym with Melissa
Tuesday: Dinner at Mr. B’s for Danny’s birthday and the gym
Wednesday: Halloween at Teri’s with Mary and all the kids

I convinced Danny to hold Kensley and it was to cute.
He was scared he’d break her but he did very well!

Thursday: MEP
Friday: Toast for Dinner with Mom for our birthdays and BSG gamenight at the Shiremans
Saturday: Apartment search/Ferndale with Emily/Bowling with Adam, Annecia and Auntie/Hakalas for SNL
Sunday: Gym/Ann’s for a birthday dinner for me/St. Aidan’s memorial mass/Skype at Mom’s with B

Ann has the cutest apartment.  I wish they didn’t have a huge wait-list.
Also that’s the dress Mom bought me for my b-day.  
This week

Monday: Gym with Melissa
Tuesday: Vote/Spin class
Wednesday: Sick day if Obama loses/MEP/meet up with Cara/gym
Thursday: MEP/hopefully gym
Saturday: MEP/Surprise b-day party
Sunday: DIA with Auntie, Adam and Annecia

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