Weekend Update

I had a super fun, super busy weekend.  
Friday, I rushed to the gym to get my workout on.  I’m really glad I’m in a gym going mood AND a running mood these days.  If I can get my diet under control I bet I would have some pretty sweet results.  After my workout I headed to Milford to experience Milford Memories with Cara and Matt.  I had a great time and picked up a couple things from the booths that were open later.  One such thing was a gift for Danny – I forgot at the time that I was mad at him.
Saturday, I hardly slept at all Friday night because Danny and I watched Continuum but I still woke up early to hit up Eastern Market with Teri.  It was great!  I love the market and it was a lot of fun spending one-on-one time with my sister-in-law.  Four hours and not one lull in conversation.  We split beignets from the food truck I’ve been trying to find and it was exactly as good as I hoped.
Next I hit up a private pilates lesson with Sarah.  It was a good workout and nice to catch up.  Since Danny refused to go to Todd’s to build the nightstands we need he surprised me with flowers.  Although I’d rather not need apology flowers, it’s nice that he finally thought to get me some.
Saturday was date night.  Danny bought a GroupOn for The Fiddler, a Russian restaurant with a five course meal.  Although I adore Russia I’d never had a Russian meal before.  The pirogi and lamp chops were amazing but my favorite part of the meal was the Armenian wine.  It was the best I’d ever had.  My favorite part of the evening was after dinner.  Danny FINALLY agreed to watch Gone with the Wind with me!  It’s on a things I can’t be trusted with list so I hadn’t seen it in a long time and afterwards I remembered why.  I love it SO much.  It’s utter perfection and I imagine a GWTW post in the future.  
Sunday, I relaxed.  I cleaned and went to the gym and ran.  I also started on a DIY project I hope to complete this week. But for the most part I spent most of the day reading and loved it!

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